
As I journey into introspection..."When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are then challenged to change ourselves."


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thank You!!

Today is the day to give thanks.  

Most days, as I scroll through my Tl (and the streets in general) the consensus is, thank God for Life, for another day, for waking me up this morning.  But I wonder, do we ever really thank God for life?  Or do we insult him for it?

For example, you probably passed quite a number of people on your way to work this morning – other motorists, pedestrians, persons at the place you stopped for breakfast, the gas station, etc., etc. – but how many of those persons did you say ‘good morning’ to?  How many of those persons did you give a smile to? Lend a hand to? Show some other seemingly insignificant and fleeting gesture or word of well intention?   Probably very few, if any. 

Did Christ knock this morning?  Did you turn him away?  Did you tell him “IDGAF…NO NEW FRIENDS!!”?

How many persons had ever stopped to think, that every other person you meet on your way,
woke up this morning and gave God the exact same praise, same glory, same gratitude…some of them may have even posted it to their face book page or tweeted it, just like you did.  How many had ever taken the time to look at a complete stranger and understand that that person, is you? 

[NOT LITERALLYI’m NOT saying that the person is literally you.  Theoretically, however, we are all bond by humanity, to whichever society to which we ‘belong.’  And to those of us whom are accepting of the fact that we do in fact ‘belong’ to our society, we do consciously make considerable efforts to adhere ourselves thereto. Whether those efforts be based in the tradition of conformity or the wonderment of ‘free thinking’- effort is effort.  And had any of us no desire at all to be part of our chosen societies, we would choose to not be a part thereto.  And in this regard…we are all the same person...fellowman…countryman...human.]

You probably saw – but did not see:  A single mother, hurrying her children off to school.  A father, hurrying himself off to work.  A brother who is a single father, hurrying himself off to run errands before he hurries off to work.  A sister who’s husband has gone halfway across the globe to find work, hurrying herself off to the doctor’s to check on your grandfather—he’s been ill for some time now and the family is so worried about him.  An aunt who has miscarried three children, on her way home after leaving flowers on her son’s grave - he was the only child she had ever given birth to.  A man, a woman or a child - perhaps smiling, arguing or crying - not knowing that before the sun set’s today, the breath of life would have left them.  And they will have no tomorrow, no reason to say “thank God for life.”

… Did Christ knock this morning?  Did you turn him away?  Did you tell him “IDGAF…NO NEW FRIENDS!!”?

Today I am thankful, that for every 1000 person who turn away from me when they look and my eyes and see that I’ve been crying – there is one person who smiles at me.  Today I am thankful, that for every 1000 persons who look at me and in an instant andon a inkling, cast their shrouds of judgment – there is one person who stops to ask who I am.

I am thankful that every hurt is balanced by joy; that every heartbreak is balanced by comfort; every hate is balanced by adoration; that every doubt is balanced with hopefulness; that every ‘wrong’ that anyone has ever done to me is balanced by kindness that someone else has shown to me.

Today I am thankful for people.

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